"Valo Kajer Hotel" is a Bengali word, meaning restaurant of good deed. We serve meal for good deed.
Since 2009, we have been working restlessly not only to help the rootless, the homeless and the
helpless but also to inspire them to do good deed. At Valo Kajer Hotel starving people can have their
food at no cost. They just need to do a good deed. We have 12 branches of Valo Kajer Hotel, situated
at Komlapur, Satrasta, Karwan Bazar, Banani Korail Slum, Khilgaon, Mirpur 2, Mohammadpur, Rabindro
Sarabor, Kalshi, Wari, Sadarghat and Chattogram. We are providing food for more than 3000 homeless and
helpless people every day.
To contribute to building a hunger-free and crime-free Bangladesh is the main motive of the Valo
Kajer Hotel. In most cases, hunger is considered the root cause of committing crime. So, we aim to
reduce the suffering of hungry people by providing food so that they can keep themselves away from
crime. We believe the intention to do a good deed keeps us away from many evil deeds.
Food is the first basic human right, and we are committed to ensuring food for everyone in our
community. We are working not only to reduce the pain of hunger but also to spread some good deeds
in our society. By that, We dream of a crime-free and hunger-free Bangladesh.